”If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go #together!”


MON to FRI 09:00-17:00
Saturday Courses & WS
Sunday Courses & WS

(+4) 0735.663.118

(+4) 0735.615.294

(+4) 0728.094.898

Welcome to our website!

Starting the Journey to Inner Self…

At the Center of Excellence in Counselling and Personal Development,
PSY BEARS Soul Center, we carry out our activity with devotion and responsibility, with the objective of supporting you to succeed in finding you’re harmony and in realizing your own value.

Starting from the proverb “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go # together” and continuing with simple (but not simplistic) words, such as: emotion, harmony, health, prosperity, we come to realize that in such an agitated and complex world, which is subject to many challenges, these words could be the “key to success” and this is only when we manage to identify them and align them with our own being.

Why choose our Center? 

We’re here to create a meaningful environment for your Journey … 


Counselling sessions & Programs for Personal Development  

Business Coaching  

Courses, Workshops, Seminars & Conferences …  

… activities by which we intend, that each of the souls who accesses them, to succeed to:

  • regain their inner power
  • obtain inner peace & harmony – the most precious good of man
  • discover its essence
  • be healthy and energetic
  • feel more motivated and passionate
  • discover the purpose in life and purpose for which lives
  • cultivate relationships based on love
  • develop the creativity and to live creatively
  • obtain financial stability and abundance doing what it likes
  • experience that way of life that always knew it deserves
I warmly invite you on the most beautiful journey, the journey to YOURSELF. To whom you were and who you are beyond the “fog” of your beliefs and emotional blockages. To apply in your life what you discover and to learn to be Happy!
EVALUATION with MATRIX DROPS multidimensional scanning.
Portal technology of the inner world, assessment and holistic scientific approach beyond the limits of the physical body.
The most innovative relaxation therapy. BARS® represents 32 energy bars that pass through and around the head, being the component of electromagnetic storage of all thoughts…

And, as wonderful Albert Einstein said: “Do not seek to be successful people, seek to be valuable people”, we are here to go #together!

Make an Appointment here:

(+4) 0735.663.118

(+4) 0735.615.294

(+4) 0728.094.898


Center of Excellence in Counselling & Personal Development

PSY BEARS Soul Center

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